Radiography Testing

Radiography Testing

Radiographic Testing method is useful for the detection of internal flaws in many different materials and configurations especially used for quality assurance of castings, forgings and welds. An appropriate radiographic film is placed behind the test specimen and is exposed by passing either X-rays or gamma rays through it. The intensity of the X-rays or gamma rays while passing through the product is modified according to the internal structure of the specimen and thus the exposed film, after processing, reveals the shadow picture, known as a radiograph, of the product. It is then interpreted to obtain data about the discontinuities present in the specimen.

Quality NDT Services is equipped with latest equipments, radioactive isotopes (Ir-192), X-ray machines for a radiographic inspection and high intensity illuminators suitable for high density file interpretation. The radiography technicians are experienced in inspection of castings in foundries, weldments in heavy fabrication, cross country pipelines, petroleum refinery piping, nuclear and aerospace components. Consultancy services can also be provided by our in house ASNT NDT Level IIIs in the method.

Our Radiography testing professionals are qualified, certified to Level I, II in the Radiography Testing and Radiographic interpretation as per ASNT recommended practice number SNT-TC-1A.